mango wood certified exporters

Why You Should Switch To Wooden Serveware Today!

Why You Should Switch To Wooden Serveware Today! - Nurture India

How good is it to eat your favourite smoothie bowl from a wooden bowl shaped exactly like the fruit? Or, picture this: Scrumptious noodles or that lovely gravy with bites of naan - all served to you in a wooden plate? Wooden serve ware is perhaps the most underrated materials in homewares in India. Wondering why you should switch to wooden serve ware? We’ve got reasons in plenty!

wooden serve ware

From the fact that they never go out of style; wood has always been used in tableware because it’s so durable. From beautiful wooden trays, handcrafted bowls, gravy boats and serving spoons and ladles… all of them add an element of sustainability in your kitchen.

Wood has been traditionally used for consuming food for ages and Indian handicraft clusters source naturally seasoned wooden products that are sustainable and eco-friendly. These are logs of woods sourced responsibly from fallen trees nearby forests. The Indian wooden tableware is handcrafted beauty that really never gets old. It’s affordably priced, acts a decorative and is high on utility.

Maintaining Wooden Serve ware

If you’re thinking how you can serve your Shahi Paneer, Butter Chicken or those cheesy pastas. No problem at all! Wooden products are sealed with beeswax which is safe for food usage and nontoxic. As opposed to the myth - wooden serving bowls, plates and dishes are pretty easy to clean and maintain.  Because of the outer coating - wooden plates, wooden cutting boards, wooden spoons and containers can all be washed with a light soap and warm water. You can use a bristle brush to scrub off the food scraps. If your tableware feels too sticky, you can leave it to soak in water too for a while.

To maintain it, all you have to do is to reseal every six months with beeswax or olive oil or mustard or mineral oil – all available locally. The older the serve ware gets, the more beautiful it looks. With oiling and the way wood reacts to it, you’re going to have a piece that’s just unique to it because of its grains.

Sustainable & Good For The Environment

Wooden Round Handcrafted Giant Wheel Inspired Tray

Still not quite convinced? Wooden products unlike glass or ceramic aren’t fragile and last really long. Even if they do, wood is the fastest material to decompose in soil – so it’s guilt free shopping for you!  You can even re-use it for your garden, and as they’re naturally seasoned, so there is no harm to the environment. Wood can also be re used for building material,  made into pulp for paper manufacturing and even for burning fuel. Most Indian woods that are used to make wooden cutlery is made from Mango Wood and Sheesham – Indian rosewood , both these trees re grow in 5 - 8 years, making the cycle a good one. With the growing plastic problem that’s killing the environment, this switch is a conscious one!

wooden serve ware

Different woods come with beautiful and different grains and they look absolutely perfect! High quality wood is used in the serve ware to achieve the desired grain work. The various shades of grain work increase the appeal of the wooden serve ware, and adds uniqueness to it. Great craftsmanship goes into carving the wood and creating the unique designs in the wooden tableware, and there are so many wooden craft forms that are unique to India and there's literally a world out there that can be carved out of some fine wood! They fit well with any home theme because of their natural and authentic appearance.

We at Nurture India, manufacture high quality, premium and beautiful wooden table ware, serve ware and home décor that will make your heart melt and make you feel at home. Check out our collection here! That's exactly why we've chosen this material to play with - from accessories, decor, lighting, tableware, furniture, toys- because it's an irreplaceable part of our lives.

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